Pink Wing Pointer

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ΰ­§ β€§β‚ŠΛš πŸ“ β‹… β˜† About ΰ­§ β€§β‚ŠΛš πŸ“ β‹… β˜†

Wilkommen little internet people to my silly little webヽ(°〇°)οΎ‰ Here will be displayed all the mess and hobbies I collect because what else is a bedroom made for? Anyways, I hope you'll find fun and peace clicking around my webroom~ WARP!

confused with map

Welcome to my Room!

Feel free to take a look around~

(If the layout looks odd, try to play around with ctrl+-...)

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About ✰ whale scratchbook ✰ radio ✰ fashun notebook